Physical Disability Australia (PDA) is a national peak Disability Peoples Organisation (DPO) run by people with physical disability for people with physical disability.
PDA exists for its members, who fuel our mission to “enable every Australian living with a physical disability to realise their full potential”.
Through our work, we advocate to government, create equal opportunities, promote diversity and inclusion and ensure that our values within the organisation (and our representation of Australians living with physical disability) are reflected, upheld and defended.
Established in 1995, PDA is one of a very small handful of Australian disability organisations that actually has members and board representation in every Australian state and territory. With physical disability affecting *76.8% of Australia’s disability community, our organisation represents the largest disability category in our country. It is this visible and all-encompassing national footprint that ensures PDA truly has its finger on the pulse of disability in our country. This unique representative stance provides us with a strong voice and position to ensure that our organisation and members are heard and part of Australia’s disability conversation.
Together with the support of our incredible members and the ongoing work of our Board, we will continue to shine as an informed, influential, visible, active and connected organisation that puts disability rights at the forefront of all that we do.

Our Purpose
- Advocating to government, creating equal opportunities
- Promote diversity and inclusion
- Reflect our values within the organisation

Key Values
- Human Rights
- Integrity
- Inclusion
- Self-Empowerment
- Dignity for All
- Representation

- Effective Policy
- Solution-Focused
- Participatory Engagement
- Effective Governance
- Future Proofing