Would you like to work for PDA?

PDA is looking to hire someone with great connections to the disability community and experience in managing social media pages and publishing online content.

If you have a lived experience of disability and think you’re up to the challenge of publicising PDA’s self-management project, generating broad interest in self-management as a strategy for NDIS participants to manage their supports, and building PDA membership amongst Australians with physical disabilities using PDA’s social media channels, website and other online platforms available to you then we want to hear from you!

The job is part-time for 14 – 20 hours per fortnight in a work from home, use your own technology situation, and it pays between $34.05 and $36.64 per hour (SCHADS Modern Award level 4) fixed term to 30 June 2020.

For more information about the role and how to apply for it, please download the position description or call Simon Burchill, PDA Manager on 1800 732 674.

Applications close 5pm AEST Friday 30 August

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One thought on “Would you like to work for PDA?

  1. Hello I’m Lara
    That sounds great, is this role at a location or it from home? I have multiple disability issues and would love to work, but I have limitations, I have a diploma in Disabilty, a diploma in Case Management and a cert 4 in home and community care. I am currently doing a cert 4 in Business Administration.

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