Written by Talia Spooner-Stewart
On this International Women’s day, not only do we celebrate women’s achievement and raise awareness, but specifically in 2021 we are challenged to take action for equality. International Women’s Day (IWD) is being celebrated on March 8th 2021 with the theme #ChooseToChallenge.
I am a proud physically disabled female, and I choose to challenge gender bias and inequality. What do you choose to challenge this year?
Many that know me will know my motto in life is don’t judge me by my disability but give me an opportunity to show you my ability. I think same could be said should we switch the word disability with gender. Don’t judge me for being a female, but give me an opportunity to show you my ability. Either of these phrases are relevant due to gender bias and inequality that women and people with a disability fight for every day.
IWD is a day that celebrates women’s achievements and increasing visibility while calling out inequality. This day is celebrated every year similar to International Day of People with Disability (IDofPWD)where we celebrate people with a disabilities achievements and increased visibility while calling out inequality of those with a disability. I am a firm believer that both of these days deserve separate celebration where it provides again an opportunity to call out inequality globally and show that it still exists all over the word.
What would happen if we removed gender or disability from part of the equation? Could we ever get to a point where not only women, but those with a disability are included in all places where decisions are being made, not just being made for us? With continued unity, strong voices to stand for equality, it is not impossible.
We will continue to reflect and celebrate these days internationally for many years to come as we are nowhere near a society that fully sees past gender, disability, race and or religion. I am happy to believe, because of the celebration of IWD & IDofPWD we see the world starting to move forward and becoming more inclusive and equal. We certainly are not there yet however we are starting to see pay equality in most areas, more inclusive workplaces for people to thrive in, celebration of women alongside men in all areas and positively the list goes on.
Individually we can choose to challenge and call out bias and inequality. Individually we can all choose to seek out and celebrate individuals achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world.