Tuesday 9th August at 6:30pm AEST
There are an estimated 4.4 million Australians living with disability, and approximately 93.1% (or 4.1 million) of these were acquired sometime after birth.
Whether acquiring lifelong disability as the result of an injury, developing health or genetic condition, due to illness or medical complication, this move to a new way of life can be challenging and uncertain.
Finding information, support and ways to best live a new way of life can seem overwhelming.
From understanding your rights and entitlements, accessing resources and tools, and self acceptance, this webinar will give you an insight into the disability journey of three people who acquired disability later in life and continue to ensure that they live their best lives.
On Tuesday 9th August at 6:30pm AEST, PDA will be running a webinar to provide you with information, advice and personal stories around successfully transitioning to this new chapter of life.
To register for this FREE Webinar, go to:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
We look forward to you joining this important and informative event.
I want to watch this :PDA Webinar “Acquiring Disability Later In Life”
How is that possible?
We’ve had a lot of emails and calls from many of you who were not able to watch our You can now watch our “Acquiring Disability Later In Life” webinar (and all our other webinars)by going to:
Whilst you’re there please make sure that you subscribe to our YouTube channel.
After you have watched this webinar we also ask you to take part in out short survey by going to:
Feedback from this survey will enable PDA to present future webinars of interest and importance to our Members and Australia’s disability community.
We hope that you enjoy our presentations.