PDA can earn $2,500 per webinar for 20 or more survey responses from each webinar. If all 5 webinars get 20+ survey responses that equates to $12,500 which will go a long way to help PDA continue its work standing up for all Australian living with physical disability.
You can help PDA and go in our Hoyts’ draw by simply watching a recording of one (or more) of our informative and though-provoking webinars and then completing a survey.
Simply head across to the Physical Disability Australia YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMyTzhTbs2oLH-WZR18zX2Q/videos?view=0&sort=p&flow=grid) and click on one of the webinars we have posted there:
- Elle Steele’s “Starting a Small Business in Australia”
- “NDIS Plan Self-Management”
- “The NDIS Quality and Safety Commission”
- “You CAN Ask That”
- “EmployABLE: Equal Skills = Equal Opportunity = Equal Pay”
When you have watched one, complete the short survey linked in the description notes under each webinar’s description.
Feel free to complete a survey for each webinar that you watch.
We also encourage you to subscribe to our YouTube channel whilst you’re there.
Entries for our Hoyt’s gift cards close at 5pm on Friday 5th August 2022, with winners chosen by random generator and announced and notified on Monday 8th August.
This competition is only open to Australian residents.