We need your feedback and ideas around improving the NDIS.

As the NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme celebrates 10 years, a review by an independent commission is looking at ways to ensure that it works well for all participants.

Through the help of its participants, the Scheme’s problems and successes will be pulled together and potential solutions identified.

The Australian Federation Of Disability Organisations (AFDO) is made up of member organisations, including Physical Disability Australia, who together work to uphold and address issues impacting the lives of people with disability in Australia.

As part of the NDIS Review, AFDO is making a submission to the the independent commission on behalf of people with disability. To do this we need your feedback and ideas around improving the NDIS to ensure that the voices of its participants are at the heart of any reform.

If you’re an NDIS participant and would like to have an anonymous say in making this happen, we invite you to take part in a survey where you can share your experiences around accessing the Scheme and how you feel about your plan.

AFDO respects your privacy and all answers will be de-identified and private. Information supplied is protected by AFDO’s Privacy Policy (https://www.afdo.org.au/our-work/privacy-policy/).

The survey closes on Friday 14th July and can be accessed by going to:


Thanks for your time. Together we can play a role in making the NDIS the best it can be.

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