Why is it so often easier to just smile, ignore or tolerate the rudeness of others? And who is it easier for?

Whilst Tom Cruise may have inadvertently shot himself in the foot when he told 60 Minutes’ Peter Overton to “put his manners back in”, these words from a 2005 interview have stuck with me and maybe shaped me a little.

When someone is inappropriate, oversteps the mark or is blatantly rude or controlling, why do so many of us not confront them or let them know that they should put their manners back in?

How can we bring about change, chisel at ableist attitudes, improve behaviours, and educate people on the errors of the ways in which they interact with those of us living with disabilities, if we do not stand up for ourselves and say “enough is enough”?

Next Thursday (7th March) we’ll be running a free presentation around “when do you stop being nice?” and in it we’ll unpack some of the issues that peeve our presenters off and learn some of the tools that give us the power and confidence to stand up for ourselves and teach others to behave and respect who we are.

So if you’re over the stares, fed up with people assuming that their take on being kind matches our wants and needs, or want to give your fake smile a break, join us on March 7th.

6:00pm SA
5:30pm QLD
5:00pm NT
4:30pm WA

Share your experiences and pet hates (if you want).

Learn some skills and tools from our qualified counsellor that could help you to overcome situations and people who need to understand that kindness isn’t just about the feel good factor for the giver.

To register for this FREE EVENT go to:


We hope that you can join us for this event.

Feel free to leave your fake smile at the door.

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