Have you signed up for FREE PDA Membership yet?

Did you know that Physical Disability Australia is a national peak Disability Peoples Organisation (DPO) that is run by people with physical disability for people with physical disability?

PDA was established in 1995 and is one of a tiny handful of Australian disability organisations that actually has a footprint in every one of our country’s States and Territories – both in terms of representation and membership.

Our organisation’s goal is to enable every Australian living with a physical disability to realise their full potential and we strive to achieve this by advocating to government, creating equal opportunities, promoting diversity and inclusion, building community and supporting and representing Australia’s physical disability community and our members.

FREE Membership is available to all Australian residents living with physical disability, their families, friends, service providers and anyone with a positive interest in supporting our country’s disability community.

It’s quick and easy to sign up. Just go to our membership page.


We hope that you consider joining Physical Disability Australia and helping us to bring about positive change that will give ALL people with disability an opportunity to live an ordinary (if not extraordinary) life.

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