Have you registered for our upcoming presentation on recent changes to NDIS legislation?

Confused by recent changes to the NDIS legislation and want to better understand how they affect you?

On Thursday 5th December at 6:30pm AEDT, a team from the National Disability Insurance Agency will be presenting “The New Legislation. NDIS and PDA in conversation”.

This will be an informative session for PDA members to learn about changes to NDIS legislation.

NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme staff will join PDA to talk about the NDIS legislation changes and answer your questions in a Q&A.

This community forum will provide an overview of changes that will impact participants, including

  • * NDIS Supports (In and Out lists)
  • * Replacement supports
  • * Budget amounts and funding

Hear the facts from the NDIA, ask questions and clear up the confusion.

To register for this free event head across to:


Not a PDA Member? You can be simply by going to:


At Saturday’s AGM there were some changes to PDA’s Board.

These were:

We look forward to them being a part of the PDA Board and bringing their combined skills and experience as we move into 2025 and beyond.

On Saturday PDA Members attended our 2024 AGM.

It was wonderful to see so many faces join via Zoom and to help steer PDA into 2025 and beyond.

Following the AGM, the Board met to elect its Executive Team.

It is with great pleasure that we introduce:

Congratulations to these four incumbents.

We look forward to you leading Physical Disability Australia into a successful 2025.

Changes to NDIS Funding

The Australian Government is currently working with states and territories on the development of a new NDIS rule relating to the management of funding.

It is important that you and the rest of the disability community are kept up to date on the progress of NDIS Reforms.

You can read about these by going to:




Please direct any enquiries, comments or input to:


Call out for potential future Paralympians

The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) in partnership with the state sports institutes and academies, Paralympics Australia and over 40 sports have joined forces to conduct their greatest ever talent search to identify the next generation of Olympic and Paralympic athletes.

Over the coming weeks, Paralympic Talent Search testing sessions will be running in ACT, VIC, SA and QLD in search for the next wave of future Paralympic athletes.

They are looking for individuals of all abilities aged 13+ years to register for this program via the AIS website:


No previous sporting experience is required – the talent search is designed to help guide individuals towards a sport they may be best suited to.

Please note that consent from a parent or guardian is required for individuals under 18 years of age.

Once registered via the above link, individuals will be invited to a Paralympic Talent Search testing session in their state.

Athletes who demonstrate potential for a particular sport will be offered the opportunity to attend a Talent Development Phase in that sport.

Paralympic Talent Search testing sessions:

  • ACT: 30 November, Australian Institute of Sport, Bruce
  • VIC: 1 December, Melbourne Sports & Aquatics Centre, Albert Park.
  • SA: 7 December, South Australian Sports Institute, Mile End
  • QLD: 8 December, Sleeman Complex, Chandler.

For further information or questions please email: futuregreenandgold@ausport.gov.au.


On Thursday 5th December at 6:30pm AEDT, PDA members are invited to attend an information session to learn about changes to NDIS legislation.

Staff from the National Disability Insurance Agency will join PDA to talk about the NDIS legislation changes and answer your questions in a Q&A.

This community forum will provide an overview of changes that will impact participants, including:

  • * NDIS Supports (In and Out lists)
  • * Replacement supports
  • * Budget amounts and funding

Hear the facts from the NDIA, ask questions and clear up the confusion.

To register for this free event head across to:


PDA’s 2024 AGM Saturday 23rd November

A reminder to members that our AGM is being held this coming Saturday (23rd November):

12:30pm SA
12pm QLD
11:30am NT
10am WA

Members have already been emailed PDA’s 2023-24 Annual Report, AGM Agenda and Board Nomination documents ahead of the Annual General Meeting.

If you are a member and have not received these documents, please email promotion@pda.org.au and the PDA Team will email them out to you.

If you have not yet registered to attend this meeting, you can still do so by going to:


If you don’t have a Zoom account, signing up is free, quick and easy. Go to https://zoom.us/signup and create an account.

Please make sure to visit https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpf-2hrTwiGtehkc5T978MOBEmon6-EZDk once you have created a Zoom account to register for the AGM.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from Zoom with login information to join Saturday’s meeting.

We look forward to having you join us at our AGM.

Join a Paid Focus Group and help shape Woolworths’ Disability Action Plan.


Do you shop at Woolies and have a disability?

Want to work at Woolworths or have previous work experience in retail as a person with disability?

If you answered yes to one or both of these questions, you’re invited to share your thoughts and ideas to help shape the future of inclusion and accessibility at Woolworths.

AFDO – Australian Federation Of Disability Organisations is working with Woolworths to develop their Disability Action Plan and keen to hear from people with a physical disability about what makes for a ‘great’ retail and employment experience. So come along and share your insights and ideas for better inclusion.

Sessions will be run online via Zoom from mid-November to mid-December 2024, with times available during and after business hours (AEDT).

Selected Participants will be paid $60 per hour for their time.

If you or someone you know would like to join, please complete the Expression of Interest form by going to:


Spaces are limited, so we encourage you to register your interest as soon as possible.


Australian Federation Of Disability Organisations (AFDO) is supporting an important research initiative led by the Centre for Technology Infusion at La Trobe University. This study aims to enhance level crossing safety by exploring how time-to-cross information can be delivered to better inform pedestrians with disability.

This study will:

  • * Assess the need for time-to-cross information.
  • * Determine what information is most helpful.
  • * Identify the best ways to deliver this information.

This research is part of a larger feasibility study on using real-time train location data to improve crossing safety.

To learn more, go to https://imoveaustralia.com/project/using-real-time-train-data-to-improve-level-crossing-safety/

How to Participate

Victorians with physical or sensory disability are invited to take part in an online questionnaire (approx. 5 mins) on level crossing experiences, including:

  • * Crossing behaviour and perceived safety
  • * Use of assistive technology
  • * Information needs for safe crossing decisions

This survey will also serve as a pre-screening for potential face-to-face interviews at a familiar train station.

Interview participants will have the opportunity to share detailed insights on improving crossing safety.

Data Use & Privacy

Your participation is voluntary and privacy is respected. No personally identifiable information will be collected. All participants will be asked to sign a consent form before participating.

Selection Criteria To participate, you should:

  • Have lived experience with physical or sensory disability
  • Be over 18 and make independent decisions
  • Use level crossings at least once a month

Register Your Interest

If you’re interested in contributing to this meaningful project, please email Jim.Valavanis@afdo.org.au with a brief background and your contact details.

Deadline for Expressions of Interest: Friday, 15 November 2024, 5 pm

Let’s work together to make crossings safer for everyone!

Nominate for a position on the PDA Board



On Saturday 23rd November PDA will be holding its 2024 Annual General Meeting.

At this year’s AGM, the Directorships of Mark Pietsch (NSW), Talia Spooner-Stewart (ACT), Sharon Boyce (QLD) and Paul Watson (NT) are reaching the end of their current 3 year terms.

There are also vacancies for the roles of Associate Director in both Tasmania and the Northern Territory.

Full members wishing to nominate for any of these roles need to complete and return the ‘Nomination Form’ by close of business on Friday 15th November. 

Nomination Forms will be emailed to our members. If you are interested in nominating yourself or another PDA member for any of these positions, please use this form or email promotion@pda.org.au for a copy. 

Similarly, if you wish to appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf at the AGM, you need to complete and return the ‘Appointment of Proxy Form’ by the same date. This form has also been emailed out to PDA Members. If you do not receive this form and require a copy, please email promotion@pda.org.au.

All PDA members are encouraged to join us at our AGM via Zoom.


12:30pm SA

12pm QLD

11:30am NT

10am WA

Hear what we’ve been up to in 2024, what our plans are moving forwards and be part of the Physical Disability Australia conversation.

With updates from PDA Ambassador, Dr Dinesh Palipana OAM, and the PDA Team, our Annual General Meeting will be a great chance for Members to be an active part of the PDA community. 

Wherever you are in Australia, you can attend via Zoom.

All you need is a phone, laptop, tablet or computer.

But you will need to register by going to:


If you don’t have a Zoom account, signing up is free, quick and easy.  Go to https://zoom.us/signup and create an account. Once you’ve done this, head across to https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpf-2hrTwiGtehkc5T978MOBEmon6-EZDk?os=ipad#/registration to register for the AGM. 

If you experience problems, please email us at promotion@pda.org.au or call 1800 PDA ORG (1800 732 674).

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Meeting documents will be circulated ahead of the AGM.

We really look forward to you joining us and saying “hi”.